Project Actions - LIFE for insects
Project Actions
Project Actions
A. Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans
A1 Review of the sites and preparation of documents for management actions
A2 Negotiation with land owners and creation of database on land ownership
B. Purchase/lease of land and/or compensation payments for use rights
B1 Lease and purchase of land in Čertoryje SCI – north
B2 Purchase of land - Slovakia (Holubyho kopanice SCI)
C. Conservation actions
C1 Management in Bílé Karpaty and Čertoryje SCIs - by NCA CR
C2 Management in Čertoryje – North - by CUNC Bílé Karpaty
C3 Management in Beskydy SCI - by CUNC Salamandr
C4 Management in Beskydy SCI - by NCA CR
C5 Management in Slovakia by BROZ (Holubyho kopanice SCI)
D. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
D1 Monitoring of target species and habitats
D2 Assessing of project impact on socio-economic aspects and impact of dissemination actions
D3 Ecosystem services assessment
E. Public awareness and dissemination of results
E1 Information campaign for public and information materials
E2 Project presentation to experts and stakeholders and networking with other projects
E3 Educational activities in schools
F. Project management
F1 Project Management and after-life plan
F2 Monitoring of project performance indicators
F3 Accounting and Audit