About Project - LIFE for insects
About Project
Project title:
Conservation of Selected Natura 2000 Insect Species in Transboundary area (CZ-SK) of Western Carpathian Mts.
LIFE for Insects
Project number:
LIFE16 NAT/CZ/000731
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (Prague headquarters, Regional office of Bílé Karpaty PLA*, Regional office of Beskydy PLA*)
Associated beneficiaries (non-profit NGO's):
- Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development (BROZ)
- CUNC** White Carpathians
- White Carpathians Education and information centre
- infinity - progress
*Protected Landscape Area
**Czech Union for Nature Conservation
Implementation period:
1/7/2017 - 31/12/2022
€ 4,222,005 (60% EU, 15% Ministry of Environment of the Czech Rep. - Czech beneficiaries, 33% Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Rep. - BROZ)
Reasons to implement the project:
Due to the change of farming system in the countryside, especially during the second half of the 20th century - the shift from traditional farming system to intensive agriculture system caused the decline of various plant and animal species. The lack of mosaic mowing and grazing (on open pastures and in forests), and occurence of open-canopy middle forests causes that many of the formerly common insect species got on the list of endangered species or completely dissapeared. See more details about the background and threats we deal with.
Main objectives:
Increase of target species abundance and overall species diversity through restoration of specific natural habitats in transboundary area of Western Carpathian Mts. (Beskydy Mts and White Carpathian Mts in Czech and Slovak area – as seen in the map above).
Target species:
Stag beetle, Clouded Apollo, Large blue, Scarce large blue, Dusky large blue, Danube clouded yellow, Jersey tiger, and other endengered species. See more details about the species.
Target habitats:
dry pastures, wet meadows, open-canopy middle forests.
Increase of public awareness concerning the key role of insect and its natural habitats and the importance of NATURA 2000 network (European network of sites for rare and threatened species, and rare natural habitats) which is supporting the nature biodiversity.
Main activities:
- Review and continuous monitoring of target species
- Negotiation with land owners and other stakeholders
- Restoration measures of 510 ha of project sites (280 ha in Czech Rep. and 230 ha in Slovakia)
- Removal of shrubs and self-seeding trees
- Mowing and grazing
- Sowing of nutrition plants
- Transformation of intensive large-extent farming into small-extent and extensive (70 ha)
- Information campaign – presentation of the project and its results to public as well as to experts; organizing of public events, excursions and workshops; creation of educational programmes for schools
- Assessment of project impact on socio-economic aspects and ecosystem services and impact of dissemination actions
The content of this website does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union or the Ministries of the Environment of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.